Tuesday, April 3, 2012

AQW Crow 3.7 !!!

(Added more features)
-Fixed blocked button of ballyhoo (moved)
-Send friend requests (the player should be online)
-Go to players (the player should be online)
-Suicide (kill yourself , there must be monsters around you)
-Show friend list



  1. Hello, Neo6574 here creator of the Dark Anarchy Trainer. I was just wondering in adobe, how to make pop up menus linked to other hacks like you have done here. And hopefully we can work together to make both of our trainers better.

  2. If you have any archive of other .fla trainers or how to convert or get the original files I would like to know. Datapaw's website just went down and I kinda of need some different .fla trainers to look at.
